
And Dear Mama...

Dear Mom-

It's been awhile (7 years to this date)- but I thought I'd update you since the last time we talked. Well first of all- I'm pregnant! I'm full term and awaiting patiently my bundle of blessings! I'm sure your excited as well- I know you'll send your love and an angel to hold my hand during the painful contractions. I've enjoyed my pregnancy for the most part and I've made sure to document it for my son so that he can enjoy the journey when he's able to.

Well educationally- since you last saw me- I've graduated from high school, from college and from graduate college! I know your proud of me, I did a lot of it to better myself, but also to prove to you I was going to make it even during your absence. Don't get my wrong I loved my college days- but their were some rough times I didn't think I was going to make it! Between my faith in God and strength through you and family I was able to make it all the way. I'm debating on getting my doctorates- but some soul searching has really proven titles aren't as important we think.

I have masters in counseling and pretty excited because it's what I really want to do in life. I got an awesome job that I really love and pretty much help people using my skills learned.

Oh- remember that guy you didn't really care for in high school cause we dated all of 1 month? Yeah well fate came back around right after you left. We ended up dating for years, moving down to South Carolina, buying a house and getting married! He's my first and only love and we're excited to be having your first grandchild! I love him like a fat kid loves cake. And you probably do too.  Oh- and don't worry we decorated the nursery room very fashionably, in fact I like our whole house decor. You probably like it too.

Well it's been 7 years since you left me and went to your eternal life of happiness. I don't care what nobody says- I believe you remember me still and watch me all the time to make sure things are going OK for me. I appreciate it and can tell sometimes you convince God to send an angel to really move in my favor. I'm doing really good and have good support all around me- all though nothing really compares to having you right here and physically talking to me, but  I'll take a rainbow, beautiful sunlight through the clouds, or a dream where you visit me.

It was great catching up with you and I always remember this date RIP Mom...



Dear Monkey-

I know people have heard about the end of days...well this isn't that kind of end of days. I mean this is the end of my pregnancy almost! I can't believe how fast (slowww) it went! I guess it was fast and slow for me. I think it was slow for you and probably boring too. But whoa-- your life is gonna change once you live on THIS side of the womb!

Baby you are probably about 5-6 pounds now! I wonder if your a chubby or lean baby? I'm thinking lean since your have long legs and arms. You are all baby though and have no where to go in my belly, you just sort of switch your booty from side to side and that's it. I fell on you the other day and bruised myself (trying to run to the restaurant in the slippery rain in flip flops trying to NOT get my hair wet, ugh).I prayed that you'd be ok and you were shocked at first- but moving around 5 minutes after like usual.

The doctor said you were just fine, but wasn't too happy we aren't taking our iron/prenatal efficiently and drinking enough water AND driving and commuting two hours a day to work; So now we are on bedrest, but can work from home. So that's good, we like working and don't want to be bored out of our mind. I don't do well with boredom. Neither does your dad. One time the electricity went out and we stayed up for hours playing shadow puppets with our flashlights. I digress.

Monkey we finished your room pretty much! We are very excited and created it just for you! We think you will like your room and will be such a busy body once you get big enough to appreciate it and all the fun toys we have for you.

We also started working on your baby book- I think that's really important. Since I was adopted I didn't have a baby book or any pictures of me when I was a baby so I hope as you get older and go through life, you will cherish these videos I make, blogs I wrote, and books I'm creating for you.

Your dad he's very excited. I think he has mixed feelings about you now. I know he can't wait for you to get here but I think he's anticipating how much it will change his life and priorities. I feel similar. I just really wish I could see you- and then stick you back in the oven till your done. I want to know who you look like--don't worry both of your parents are foxes, but I think you may look more like your dad since his genes are strong.

Other than that baby- I am just really enjoying these last days. We are going this weekend on our baby moon, how sweet is that? You aren't having a good day today, you seem uncomfortable and your making me nausea again. I can't eat as much, and just don't have an apetite anyway. The nurse says it's 'Almost showtime'. We'll see. Hopefully if you can just stay put- I have a baby shower at work Monday, and your dad is in a wedding next saturday (and of course the baby moon trip this weekend) It would be appreciated actually if you didn't try to come until your due date or possibly a few days before if you HAVE to come before.

Well I need to finish packing, I hate to blame you for my procastination but you've really made me sit here for an hour on facebook eating frozen non alcholoic strawberry daquiri mix out of the blender with a spoon...


Now I understand

Dear Monkey--

Now I understand-

Why pregancy really is sucky towards to the end! I thought women were just being overexxagerate in that your last month would be 'miserable'. I mean surely it wouldn't be the greatest, but misery?

Ahh..it is true. I am 2 days away from 35 weeks with you, and the last 2 weeks or so have been horrid. Now I know they are not all your complete fault, and I don't want you to think that, but you have played a large role. Because you are getting so big and they room is running out of tummy for you (I don't care WHAT my Dr. says, you have no room in there!) Your more figdety and it's very uncomfortable when you move now. You also have pointy elbows and knees and drag them across my belly and that hurts too. Your dad is satisfied in that- since I have bony knees and elbows and always nash them into him when he annoys me.

You are probably 4-5 pounds right now and LONG! You appear to be very healthy and that's what I'll keep praying for you. You have a schedule now- your up in the morning with me when I first wake up. And then as I get ready for work and drive to work, you go back to sleep. Around 11-12 pm you are awake and wanting to party. After that your back to sleep. At 2-3 pm Your back up and wanting to play catch the umbilical cord. Then you go back to sleep. On the drive home and pretty much the rest of the night you want to dance it away. That's cool with me.

I think about you a lot now. I wonder majorly what you look like. Since your dad and I are two different cultures I'm wondering what physical traits you will pick up from both of us. I really wanted to get another ultrasound done, but Dad doesn't want to waste the money (Hope your not a tightwad like him!). I really want to see you again, but we'll meet in about 5 weeks so I guess there's no point.

I have really bad heartburn, if I don't keep up with my zantac twice daily, I can breathe fire. That's not good. Sometimes I get it after I drink milk! Also--you keep me--how should I say, very regular? LOL. I have never had to use the bathroom as much as I do in this third trimester.That's good though, I heard many women have the opposite!We are dealing with braxton hicks on a daily basis. Sometimes they are worse than others. I had one while writing this and it was painful! I wonder how you feel in there being squeezed for seconds.

Sleeping is becoming a task that I can do sometimes now. Some nights between the heartburn and getting comfy with you it's really hard. I'll be comfy and then you'll decide to move those bony legs and kick me. Sometimes no matter where I move in the bed you kick me. That's when I get try to rub you or hum to calm you down. It doesn't work. For the most part Adrian- your room is almost done, just need some finishing touches. Your dad has worked really hard getting it done! I think you will like it. Especially once we put your flat screen TV in. Hey- I need to watch law and order SVU while feeding you.

Lastly, your furry siblings know your coming. Amia our dog, is in denial. She tries to ignore you most times, and if we leave the door open to your room she will go get a toy monkey in it and try to undress it. We are unsure of her motives. Romy, the cat, well she enjoys you--but don't be upset if she doesn't pay you much attention. She rarely pays us attention.

Well other than that- I'm ready to have you. So you can come whenever you'd like. If you feel as 'uncomfortable' as I feel then go ahead and push that exit button. So we can get this party started. Love Mom and...