
A dream about boobs

I had a wonderful dream. Hubby and I had the baby! We had brought it home and were starting our lives with our new addition. It all seemed so real. The baby was a boy and he looked very similar to our nephew. He was a bit fair skinned but he was super cute. When I came home immediately I tried to breastfeed it. Breast feeding is something I really really really want to do. I want to feel that bond and closeness (and pain) with my child in knowing that I am naturally equipped to provide my baby with food! That's got to be an awesome feeling.

Anywho, in the dream I came home and started breastfeeding, I was sooo scared because the pain and all the 'what ifs' but to my surprise the baby easily latched on and everything was amazing. So since I'm sure I dreamed about breastfeeding because of anxiety and excitement, I want to know what the Dream Dictionary states about it.
To dream that you are breast feeding, symbolizes tenderness, love, nuturance, and motherly love. Good things will be at your grasp
:) just :)

I'm off to church pretty soon. Happy Sunday Blogger.

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