
Fair enough

God’s word for you today: Roll all your problems onto God.
Fair enough.

Today as early as it is, and as much thinking as I should not legally be allowed to do at this time of morning...I've been bothered with some thoughts. I'm not sure why I feel like this, but there are some things in my life I am trying to change. And some relationships I want to change...but then there are some parts of me that don't (and really ever haven't) felt welcome to those relationships. It's like in the past, I may have been the one to keep the barriers up between the building relationships, but over the years and especially now I am trying to go back and fix them. But it's like no matter what, I always just feel like I don't belong. And that those relationships will never blossom into what could have been. I will try not to let them get to me, but as time goes on, it just bothers me. Can't do much from here. "Why try to be someone you are not around those who don't care?"

Have you ever felt like you just didn't belong or fit in somewhere?
(BTW- I know no one answers these questions (at least publicly) and that's OK. I don't write for an audience, I write to help my myself, and hope that somewhere down the line I can help someone else.)


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