This is our first written interaction! I feel like since I've been talking and feeling you so much I should also write you. This way we can keep this forever, and when your old enough, we can all look back on this.
First of all, even though you were planned, I was not ready for the crazy wild ride of emotions and feelings that would come along with you. I was so eager and happy to have you for the first few weeks, and then once morning sickness hit I was not as excited because I couldn't take my mind of the 24/7 nausea you made me have. That's ok, because I will pay you back so bad, you wait until your dad starts singing, freestyling and dressing you. You will be so mad.
Any who, now that I'm going in my 19th week (yay!!) things have been more exciting for me and I'm getting so eager to meet you! My belly is growing big so you must be growing too, and I feel you move every day (your moving A LOT right now!!). Yesterday you kicked me hard while watching a movie. You probably didn't like it, I didn't either.
We recently found out you were a boy! We had an elective ultrasound at a near by ultrasound clinic. It was truly breath taking. You have grown from the last ultrasound at 11 weeks and you were moving sooo much!! Your dad and I couldn't believe how much you were climbing, kicking, and being a contortionist. (I have the video, and pretty much watch you every day!!) Not only that, but when we announced you were a boy, your dad just sort of stared at the screen with his mouth open in awe. I think it finally hit him...that you were made from him! I wish I could have a picture to show you Monkey, but it made me tear me up.
The ultrasound was worth every penny, we learned so much about you, like-
- You have my limbs! Your arms, legs and fingers are very long! Your toes are even really long like mines!! Like REALLY LONG! You shocked the ultrasound tech, but that's ok I still shock people with my big feet. At least your a boy, it's ok.
- You got the good stuff from both of us! You appear to have your dad's nose and his lips. But you have my wide and bright eyes. That's good because your dad has very tiny eyes, hehehe!
- That your a boy!! This shocked me, cause Monkey, I thought you were a girl. And I was totally mentally prepared for a girl. A boy?? I don't even know where to start, I guess I can get you some 'boy' stuff. This means we won't be able to play barbies and I'll have to buy creepy crawlers and tonka trucks. :-(
Anywho, I am ALWAYS thinking about you now. What your doing in there, how your feeling, in all our ultrasounds your always smiling or laughing. I think your gonna be a goofball like your dad and I. We clown ALL the time. I can't wait until you meet us, and constantly wonder who you are going to be more like!! Your mom is a therapist and your dad is a graphic designer so hopefully you'll be very creative and caring.
I just can't wait to meet you lil monkey, I am so completely in love with you and I haven't even met you yet. How is this possible? Your dad is in love with you too, he likes to rub you and talk to you about which rappers you should not listen to, and about important experiences in life you'll share together like drinking beer. That's your dad!
Please keep growing and getting stronger.
We have ALOT of people waiting to meet you once you come out! (I just think you were highly anticipated!)

Your mommy and....
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