Yes it is!!! Yesterday, I spoke to my step mom on the phone. She asked 'Now what day in June is the baby due again?' I answered nonchalantly 'June 12th' without even thinking since I get this question just about once a day. And she said calmly 'Oh- 2 months away to the day' and I said 'Hm- quite.'(in my fancy conversation voice)
Because I realized...I only have 2 month's to get myself mentally prepared (I know I thought I've been doing that too) And this is so awful...but someone please explain to me why we have the room...taped. And that's it. No furniture, no crib, no paint, and not even cleaned! It's just taped up from where my husband taped it to prepare for paint. Our goal was to have the room completed and our bags packed by the end of this month, because technically he could come at the end of next month!
We are finally going to do that today, go buy some furniture at Ikea. I'm excited because I love Ikea and we've done a large part of house in Ikea so we know what to expect.
We've also been going to our classes, we took an all day stick it out, Delivery class last Saturday. This past Tuesday we took a class on caring your new baby after delivery. Both classes were great for both me and hubby! We learned what really to expect and it made us feel for more prepared.
I know people rag on first time parents who do go to all the fun classes before the baby- but honestly between me and you- I think people who try to tell you 'it won't help' and 'well people have babies do fine without it' and 'waste of time' - I think most of them wanted to go but didn't for various reasons. So I think they try to downplay how helpful they really are to first time parents!
We have one more class, a breastfeeding class on Thursday that I'm really excited about, because I have this insatiable desire to breastfeed!
Besides this- I am 31 weeks going into my 32nd week and baby Carter is getting so big! I'm trying really hard to eat healthy for him (or make healthier choices) for him. And my boss is making me walk every Friday (which is good for me too). I have such an active lifestyle- I just know baby Carter will be here before I know it! And my life will forever change...and I'm not sure how I feel about that! I need to seriously get it together! Everything!!
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