
It's June...

It's June 2011. JUNE.2011. This month my baby HAS to come out. Not like in May where "oh well..it could come out, possibly.' No- It has to come out. I would be 43-44 weeks at the end of this month, and let's be real, we ain't staying pregnant that long. I can't believe my due date is a mere 11 days away. 11 days. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING??

I look back on my earliar entries on blogger and xanga where I stressed about wanting to get pregnant and planning the perfect time to get pregnant. Doing the whole taking my temps every morning with a BBT and tracking my cervical mucous (gross!) and then doing the baby dance and waiting the two week wait for testing....ahhh as technical as it all was, here I am. Working to my 39th week...and about to have this baby.

Where is my head? I can't even tell you. Sometimes I'm going through anxiety, happiness, and fear all at once! Every twinge and cramp I'm thinking 'Is this it?'. It literally reminds me of the two week wait (the wait you take after you ovulated- to see if you pregnant or not).

But everything is done. I went through a major nesting phase this weekend. Pretty much all I have to do is get some pictures made for his room, and keep the house clean. I'm still working and that's awesome because it keeps me somewhat sidetracked. But since I'm working from home- I get more sidetracked than normal.

My appetite is demolished for the most part. I eat about 2 or 3 small meals a day. I just have no desire to eat like I used to. And I eat whatever I crave. After baby comes I'll be on a stricter diet (breastfeeding) and won't be able to! Also- hubby goes right along with it. And when I want to go out and do something spontaneous, he just goes along. We know we have to cherish these last few weeks of 'our time'. That's why I sleep in a little later and spend more nights watching tv with hubby or just cuddling with him alone (and Amia.) I also had my nails and toenails done and want to get a prenatal massage before too.

The times when I'm doing all of this- I'm scared and anxious. But when I watch a baby story or read about my board members births in May/June- I get so excited! To meet Adrian and just eat his little toes and fingers! A mix of feelings.

I just can't believe it's June...and this baby has to come sometime this month. And there's no turning back when it does...

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