
Baby Blues

I think I'm still going through them. It's the wildest thing. I just had a baby--the single most amazing miracle in my life thus far. And all I tend to keep thinking about is the fact that I've lost my 'image'. I used to be a work-a-holic, freak um dress wearing, traveling, party hopping MA degree holder. Now-- I'm just...a woman with a newborn attached to her breasts. Honestly- that's how I feel. Monkey is such a good little guy--he never really cries unless he's hungry. It's just hard because I really feel like I've lost myself. The peds stated that he shouldn't be going out in crowds until 6 weeks. I'll be back to work by then. So now I just need to make some small trips out...every now and then.  At least for our sanity. Tommorow I'm going to his 2 week appointment---I'm so excited.

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