
My growing addiction...

I have learned what my weakness is with AC. Yes, indeed. Although we have so many little cute outfits for him given by EVERYONE (thank you cards still underway *sigh*), I can not get over the fact that every store I head into, if it has a baby section, I'm sold. 

I see it coming...the racks with pinks and blue. The big baby pictures hanging above. The sale and clearance signs looming. And just like that my disorder is switched on, and I began browsing like it's my job in my life. And I try to make myself feel better. "Oh-- just gonna look here, not gonna buy nothing today" I say to AC trying to convince myself. But then I find that pair of dark wash denim he doesn't have. Or some cute long sleeved shirts that surely he will need for the bad winter (I live in the south). Or how about the onsies set from Carter's that he had in newborn...but now needs the same ones in 6-9 months? 

It doesn't stop at clothes. We end up meticulously in the toy aisle. Where I must purchase some 3 month old toys for his development. I WILL NOT be guilty of not providing my child with proper toys for his development! (Yes...these are my self-reasoning techniques.) And let my browse by the books. We don't have this Dr.Seuss series? 

I head out with 5 outfits, 3 new books, and 2 toys. What? How did this happen? Is this my fault?? 

I also have to explain to my husband why we have ANOTHER closet full of clothes?? Eh...

Well I did learn last week, that yes, I'm addicted to buying baby clothes for AC. At least I'm buying him mostly clearance items, and in bigger sizes 6-9 months now. And being smart about how he should be dressing at that time. For example, I did buy him some 1.00 clearance items at target for summer clothes in 12 month sizes. Logically since he will be back in shorts by his first birthday. 
I honestly don't know how I'm going to survive financially if we have a girl next. I may have to get a part time job just for purchasing her clothes. Yikes. 


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