Thursday, 14 September 2006
I'm so blessed...I remember all through high school, I cried every night, watched love movies, read tons of romantic summer books so I could feel like I was in them...and prayed that someone will come to me. And no one ever did. I spent it alone...and wishing someone would love me. And all my friends having boyfriends, going through them like crazy...I couldn't even get one. And now...I think I have waited and saved myself for the greatest gift of all. And since Josh has been in Florida...its weird, but my love is stronger for him. Trust is not even questioned. I trust him to the fullest. I love him for helping me, and loving me for who I am. I'm so blessed, so much that I just want to cry.
That's right. Get jealous. Cause I have a pretty much amazing husband. And this post is just to brag about him. I don't even know where to chronicle where his awesomeness starts...but let me take it back about 8 years to...
Tuesday, 13 July 2004
Well...I never liked josh, I mean gross... But come on...If I was attracted to him once chances are I'll be again. Yeah well, we just started talking more...and I don't know nature took its course, because I didn't plan on anything, in fact I'm going away to college, I really didn't want to get involved with anything, but it just sorta happened.
That's where it begins. And it travels through 8 years, 2.5 of them married. I mean like many other couples my husband and I have been through some not so pretty stuff.
Yeah...we went through the high high's of our relationship
Thursday, 31 July 2008 finally happened! Josh proposed! I knew this day was coming and it came fast! Well...4 years isn't fast, but hey we are both young!
And the low low's...
Sunday, 04 February 2007
Simply to 3 year relationship with JC, is slowly coming to an end. I'm not feeling it anymore...
My husband has struggled in his past with his own personal issues. I remember when we got together, my husband dropped out of community college to work a full time job. I pretty much help support my husband. I had the money at the time and would spoil us both with whatever we wanted. He always told me "One day I'm going to treat you like you deserve, when I have money". He's always had ambition. ALWAYS. He's always pushing for the next best thing he can get or provide. Well when he started making money...he indeed spoiled me rotten.
Friday, 03 October 2008
Since JC got promoted he's just been rolling in dough, his savings is stacking, and he's wanting to spend alot on us, the wedding, and buying me purses. Hey, it ain't tricking if you got it. We are going to charleston tommorow, just for the heck of it. And also going to eat at anywhere of my choice tonight...hey I could get used to be spoiled finally!
And when the money really started rolling in, he was more thankful to God then ever. I remember us talking at dinner one night and he made a comment that at one point in his life, he had to make ketchup sandwiches, and now he can afford to eat the most expensive steak whenever he wanted. That statement alone made him teary eyed. (of course me too).
My hubby has always supported me all my years of getting myself and career together. He quit a great paying job at a law firm in Cleveland to move to the South with me. He had nothing planned, but didn't want us to endure another long distance relationship while I got my masters. That's a huge commitment and step for a man. While I went to school and got my Master's he was always there cheering me on.
He's always cheering me on period. Encouraging me when I'm doubtful and focusing me when I'm off task. It's just such a blessing to have someone always pushing me whether I like it or not. I say that, because some men are too selfish trying to get themselves to the top that they never consider helping their spouses reach it first, or they get jealous to imagine their spouse at a higher position or better paying salary than them.
Sure we still argue like cats and dogs, but we never have to fight about sports, he enjoys them but doesn't care to much to follow them. I never have to remind him to put the toilet seat down (he came pre-trained) and he NEVER gets jealous or has hidden insecurities that would cause him to not trust me.
He works a full time job, balances a full time business, goes to school full time, and manages to be hubby and daddy at home. Now granted it's not always a perfect balance that I'd prefer, but for what's on his plate he does well. He's a christian god fearing man, and he's wise way beyond his years! He's the only 24 year old I know that makes more than the average American man. And he's talented. With graphics, music, and anything creatively...whatever he touches turns to gold! He will be very well known, wealthy and respected before he departs from this place...
And to top it all he constantly giving me attention as if we just met. After having a baby and enduring the wonderful changes in my body from L & D, he still tells me I'm so beautiful and sexy...even when the mirror tells me differently.
We have the same sense of humor and have about 5,435,894,747,329,478,294 inside jokes and private funnies that we reminisce all the time.
Basically--this post if dedicated to my husband. Because like Drake say " Baby you the effin best".
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