
The Expierence

I can't believe. Here I am. 39 weeks and into my 40th week. This is it. I will be having "The Experience".

Now that I'm getting closer I like reading other people's labor stories and hearing others. They have been through something I have not. And it's all so different-- I wonder what my story would be like? Will I have an easy 12 hour birth--or gut wrenching tear jerker 'I almost didn't make it' 48 hours of labor story? Hopefully the latter.

I just feel like I'm going to cover sacred ground soon. I will be a new woman--a mom. I'm crossing that boundary from just a working married female-- to a mom whose heart lives outside of her. Everything in my life is going to change. And soon! I've been having crazy contractions these last few weeks and especially more intense the last two days. Something's bound to happen in the next few weeks....(wishfully days?)

And I think I'm ready as I'll be. Sure the house could use another good clean up (I'm all nested out at this point.) Sure- I have clothes to wash (I'm washing now...) and Sure I have some work to finish up from my job before I take leave (It will get done in the next two days). I'm as ready as I'll ever be for this baby. Mentally and all.

I'm ready for the experience!

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