
BBL Time (baby bucket list)

Today is one my last Saturdays of complete freedom. Once I start my new job (training is next week!) I will be required to work every Saturday, the entire afternoon. So I should take advantage and try to get something crossed off on my baby bucket list. I'm thinking the most fun and accessible thing to work on (and hopefully complete!) would be my scrap-booking. I have one scrapbook almost complete, but I could make more.

I need a scrapbook for
  • College years
  • Married Life
  • Vacations 
  • One dedicated to my parents
Then I think I'll be complete. I could also work on my yard...but that may take more money. I guess I could start off my trying to kill this weird crab grass weed taking over my back yard and try to grow some pretty green lawn. Everything else on the bucket list will have to wait until we get some cash flow going back in the house.

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