
Another day...

another doller.

I have to work later today. Work has been kicking my butt lately and giving me the ride of my life. Sometimes I leave their smiling ear to ear bursting that the seams at the results of my day, and some days I leave their almost in tears and so frustrated that I immediately call my husband to complain. The job is treacherous and it's such hard work, but I when it pays off and I get to see a sliver of fun and excitement in those kids, the pay off is so worth it.

I have this feeling that GOD wants me to do this for sure. Don't know how it will lead to counseling but I'm sure it's all planned out.

Besides work I'm in this dreaded 2 month wait for TTC. I chose November as the best month to start and let me give you the sure fire ways I know it is:
  1. My job offers both benefit and job protected leave for 12 weeks. You have to be at the company for at least 12 months= 1250 hours to qualify. At the end of the July will mark my complete year.  If I were to get pregnant in Nov, will be due in August.
  2. I started temping (I said what the hey!) and that will give me 2 extra months to learn my cycle and better predict ovulation and increase chances of getting pregnant (around my birthday too!)
  3. I will be officially taken prenatal vitamins for 3 months, which is the recommended time and amount to have in your system before you actually start baby making. 
  4. Give us time to settle in our fields a bit more and save more money.
  5. I will be under  under or around 7 months around May, and will still be able to travel and attend my friends weddings, my hubby is in one and I in another a week later! And will have a cute bump to sport too!
God is something else. I know I had prayed and prayed for a baby last month, and sadly it came and went. But how lucky am I? I didn't realize it, but I called my insurance company this week and my job health insurance doesn't start until Oct. I bet you, if I was already pregnant and then got the job insurance, they would have treated it as a pre-existing condition. Making my life a whole lot complicated than it needs to be.

All in all, I really think November is the ideal time to start trying and I need to learn that PATIENCE is a virtue (blah blah blehhh). I smile smugly at myself because actually this all mature and smart baby planning. We are not just blindly jumping in and having no idea what we are really doing. We are lining up most of our ducks and somewhat in order (hehe).

Well I only have a mere...1 month and 3 weeks until...I'm sure I can entertain myself for this long...