
A new start.

So I have decided on some small things to start with.

I have already somewhat mastered getting over my cooking fear. I have not only saved money, but also learned quite a few delicious meals that my Hubby really enjoys : )

So along with cooking and waiting until the long time before November 1st (only a mere, 1 month 4 weeks and 3 days left!) I have decided to take an Art class offered by the City, as well as an 8 week yoga/mediation class.

It's about $300.00 for everything together. Along with this, I've also decided to let my hubby purchase the video camera he's been dying to get in order to start his career jump.

This sounds promising...as a new start.

  • Get a job!
  • Work on yard (front and back)
  • Travel to Las Vegas one more time :)
  • Take a dance class
  • Take a yoga class
  • Take an art class
  • Go camping
  • Go to ski resort/cabin
  • Change last name (officially!)
  • Finish scrapbooks (up to date)
  • Go out of the country again (Mexico, Puerto Rico, Italy, etc!)
  • Go on a cruise!
  • Go to New York City for a weekend- see a Broadway play
  • Paint a picture for the home
  • Finish (5) books (on book #1!)
  • Get a fish tank and fishes!
  • Put hardwood floors down
  • Start and save extra money in new account for baby! :)
  • Buy a new digital camera
  • Go to California
  • Have a dinner party (cooked by me!)