
La la la

Well last night felt pretty good coming home from walking Amia (dog) and hubby coming home around the same time (first time we've met up at home all week)! Storms came and lights went out, but I kinda liked it, cause we ended up playing a fun computer game and ordering pizza. Sometimes I like when God reminds us of the little things we forget. The electric came back on shortly and our pizza arrived and we watched TV,  and then went on our separate ways for the night. Him, back to his graphics for work and me watching the Friday's Flick Pick on Lifetime (hehe).

I did feed into my baby desire last night by reading some WTTC (waiting [to] try to concieve) blogs and forums, which made me feel better knowing there are sooo many other women in my same stance right now. So it doesn't make me crazy at all. It's nice they have support with each other and keep each other occupied long enough to help pass the time.

Hubby and I also had a chat last night, and of course I let the B word slip out. But to my surpise he just said

"We will...probably really soon, yeah pretty soon"

This is good. This is very good. Now I'm sure as a man he was talking out of his you know where, but I know in man language this means

"I think I'm considerably ready"

Now in real life, I know that if he is considerably ready, we have to wait a few more months. My master plan is whenever he says he's ready or he wants to...that I make him wait longer. I know this defies the logic of my whollleee idea to get pregnant sooner, but remember I don't want a baby NOW. I want him to want to start a family SOON. I actually don't want a baby right now, no matter how crazy I sound talking about it on a daily basis. I actually really want my hubby to get more excited about it and for him to want him as bad I do. THEN try for a baby. It will be an exciting and anxious experience on both ends for us. Does this make sense?

Basically, I really think hubby is ready and wants to start a family fairly soon, but I know he wants to get this business off and running as well as a stable back up career (full time job). Once he gets settled in this I think he will be more than ready. And I'm willing to wait for that! Honestly! No matter how baby crazed I appear, I'm willing to wait for that, I JUST CAN'T WAIT cause I'm so excited and anxious for THAT moment.

I sort of just had a revelation with myself through this...I don't want a baby (well I do A LOT) but I really just want hubby to be on board with the idea. I can wait, but I'm super excited about going through the experience together...that's what I'm waiting for.

Anywho, work has been allright. I have to remember that I'm doing the best I can do, and it will take some getting used to. They like to 'play everything by ear' and that's not gonna work with me, because if your house doesn't have structure how do you plan on keeping your furniture together?? (That was probably a bad metaphor but you get it?) Basically if the staff aren't organized why in the world would the kids be organized and happy?

La la la...
